We believe everyone should have a fair shot, regardless of their gender, the color of their skin, or the place they were born. But in the upcoming election, our values will be on the line. Your November ballot will include a ballot measure backed by extremist hate groups with ties to white supremacist funders.

Measure 105 is designed to throw out our state’s 30 year old sanctuary law, which was originally passed to address blatant racial profiling here in Oregon.

Everyday, we hear stories from our neighbors about Oregonians being racially targeted. Families are being torn apart, children are being detained in immigration camps, and long-time Oregon residents are being sent to countries they hardly know.

If it passes, the measure could open the door to racial profiling and serious civil rights violations. It could cause more families to be torn apart and turn local police into another arm of Trump’s “deportation force.”

This isn’t the Oregon we want to live in. We don’t want to be in the company of states like Texas and Arizona, where racial profiling and “show me your papers” has become the new reality.

We need to make sure that no Oregonian will live with the fear of being profiled because of their perceived immigration status, or how they look or sound.

Sign up to attend a Canvassing Kick-Off event for the No on 105 campaign today.